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The NCA is the leading authority on candles and candle manufacturing, and the only U.S. organization working solely on behalf of the candle industry.

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Learn more about the benefits of NCA membership!

Issues Management & Advocacy

The NCA monitors scientific, regulatory, trade and safety matters of key concern to the candle industry.  NCA communicates timely updates to members as events unfold, and advocates on behalf of the industry when necessary.NCA also represents the candle industry and works with regulators regarding the U.S. candle industry before regulatory bodies in North America in matters involving candle safety, environmental quality, and trade.Since 1986, the NCA has successfully defended the U.S. Department of Commerce’s tariff on imported petroleum wax candles from China, to ensure a level playing field for U.S. candle manufacturers large and small.


Networking & Professional Development Opportunities

Throughout the year, the NCA provides its members with a forum to network with each other and build stronger business-to-business relationships.NCA’s Annual Conference and Expo is the U.S. candle industry’s largest single annual event for manufacturers and suppliers. This meeting offers technical presentations, regulatory updates, and small-group workshops.. The Expo features suppliers of wax, wicks, fragrance, additives, testing laboratories, and more. NCA members enjoy discounted registration and exhibiting rates.


Research & Safety

The NCA regularly sponsors research to study and reinforce the safe use of candles. NCA Members have immediate access to research results.NCA Members continually work on improving candle and candle accessory safety standards through ASTM committees. The NCA works closely with the European candle industry to harmonize U.S. (ASTM) standards with the EU (CEN) standards, to facilitate sales of candles overseas. The NCA’s website,, actively promotes the safe and enjoyable use of candles to consumers and the industry, and serves as the single most comprehensive online knowledge resource on candles.


Become an NCA Member to gain exclusive access to professional development opportunities, sponsor research and safety initiatives and receive issues management and advocacy support.

NCA Member Categories

NCA 2025 Dues Schedule

NCA Industry Pledge

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